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23 April 2008

It's not "all good"

More on clichés using the perfectly good word "good," yet, when over-used, ugh! I'm speaking of the clichéd phrases:

good to go
and it's all good. No, it's not "all good" if one can't think of more creative phrases. A cliché was once fresh and appealing. We paid attention. But once over-used, as these two at one time well-coined phrases have become, they stale and fail to communicate any strong color of emotion.

It's worthwhile to stop and consider any spoilt, over-indulged phrases we might be using and to insert another metaphor or even useful, vibrant adjective or verb. People might pay more attention to us.

A few alternatives:

good to go alternatives: ready, set, well-arranged, or, how about simply: go!

It's all good: flawless, impeccable, superior, or a hyperbole for special effect: wicked!

Other alternatives to clichés

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