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03 April 2008

More on Larry's avoidance of the King's English

In an aforementioned interview of Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, Larry King asked of Mr. Starr: "When you are playing (the drums), do you know how good they're singing?" King was referring to Starr's fellow Beatles.

Good is an adjective meaning excellent, pleasant, in fine condition, having admirable moral values. When it is used, it must be referring to a noun in the sentence. Larry has "good" referring to the verb phrase "...they're singing?"

Mr. King meant to say: "Do you know how well they're singing?" Well meaning done excellently, or even done in a good manner.

A note: well may also act as an adjective meaning: healthy, in a good state, satisfying, making it confusingly like good. Thus, you must watch your syntax, where the words are placed in the sentence. Not knowing your grammatical "geography" can get you lost.

Oh well! Speaking good English is not always so easy, even when you've been at it for some time.

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